Membership and Auction

Membership: Renewals and New

I, your friendly neighborhood treasurer, am now able to accept membership forms and dues! In fact, I already have one completed form and check.

Remember to fill out your membership form from the Big QU web site and bring it in or mail it to me.

If you mail it, please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) so that I can mail your membership card.

Checks should be made out to Arlington QU.

Annual Auction Night
The Annual Auction night is coming up, second Monday in May!

Here are some auction payment guidelines (note this is from a previous email sent in April):

I strongly encourage (request!) that you bring a check and make it out to Arlington QU. Checks make it easier for us to track the money, especially differentiating between membership dues and the auction. It also helps us track down any errors that occur, especially if you note on the check its for membership and auction. Last year we had a few people pay their membership dues twice!

I will not be bringing change, so if you pay with cash it'll need to be exact. If we have change we'll make it. The mini auction went like this and it worked out. (Yes, this is my insidious plot to encourage you to write a check!)

Trust me when I say that checks make things easier for us tracking revenue, i.e. the auction winings, membership, etc. Especially near the end when people are lining up to pay out and we are still keeping track of the on-going auction.

The other thing that'll be helpful is to have your membership form already filled out. I'll bring some membership forms to the remaining meetings.

All this helps to make the auction go smoothly and we appreciate your assistance. Let's have fun!

Remember checks are to be made out to: Arlington QU

Also, remember that the proceeds of the auction go back into the general fund and help to pay for speakers and other activities.

See you at bee or the next meeting!


We are a nonprofit organization of quilters. We are a chapter of Quilters Unlimited and are located in Arlington, VA.
Copyright 2009 Arlington QU All rights reserved.
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